Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Molice -- Ms. PANIC


Almost a year ago, I put up an article about this Buffalo, New York-based Japanese rock band called The Molice. Well, the fact that there was a Japanese rock band just across Lake Ontario in Buffalo was enough to grab my attention but then when I listened to their "Hello, Hello", I received all these memories from The Go-Gos and Heart.

Well, I guess this will begin a tradition whenever I write up an article about The Molice, but as I did for "Hello, Hello", I can start off here by talking about another beloved Buffalo WKBW Channel 7 show that my brother and I used to watch as kids on early morning TV. This would be "Rocketship 7" which lasted in its initial run between 1962 and 1978. It was hosted by weatherman Dave Thomas, and he is the first of three Dave Thomas' I got to know on television before Second City's veteran comedian Dave Thomas and the founder of Wendy's hamburgers Dave Thomas. His son, David Boreanaz, has gone on to even bigger fame as a television actor on "Bones", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "SEAL Team".

It was always nice to wake up to the epic theme song for "Rocketship 7" and then catch Dave bantering with his buddies on board, Biff Beeper, Promo the Robot (who could actually disco in the later years) and the Sweetleys.

Anyways, back to the band at hand. From their debut album "Doctor Ray" (2008) is "Ms. PANIC" which starts off with a catchy and clanging drum-and-guitar riff before we get sultry vocalist Rinko who, despite all of the groovy raucousness around her, is not in any panic mode at all. She's completely in control, and this time, I hear some sexy Blondie and even some Ramones emanating from the song.

The official music video for "Ms. PANIC" enhances things with this monochrome avant-garde intro consisting of a really thin slice of Kobe beef (maybe) and a drain getting doused in dark liquid. Then, it looks like the band is really getting down in an old-style washroom (no dirty thoughts, please). I think that this would have made for an ideal entry on an episode of "City Limits", my favourite late-night show for the unusual music videos, although I would have had to turn down the volume considerably.

From what I've read on their website log, The Molice are still in Japan. But hopefully when things really do recover for everyone on Earth, they will make their way back to Buffalo to perform again in their home away from home. Up until then, may they stay safe and healthy and The Molice.

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