Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Franchouchou No. 6 (aka Lily Hoshikawa) -- Little Parappo(リトルパラッポ)


Yep, finally finished off "Zombieland Saga Revenge"(ゾンビランドサガ リベンジ)last week. It was very satisfying and of course, aliens just had to spoil the party at the end. Another obvious thing is that the second season has left us with a whole bunch of songs to peruse and enjoy at our leisure until Season 3 comes about. Hopefully, it won't take nearly as long to produce and get onto the air.

Some songs stood out more than others, and for me, there was that showstopper at the end of Episode 5 involving the littlest Franchouchou member, No. 6 or Lily Hoshikawa(星川リリィ)as played by seiyuu Minami Tanaka(田中美海), on a talent show. A living legend wunderkind with a horrible attitude by the name of Light Ozora(大空ライト)ends up using the same song that Lily was to have performed right after him, leaving No. 6 in a huge panic-inducing lurch. What is she to do?

Well, improvisation has been Franchouchou's middle name ever since Season 1, and though Lily has often been shown as an overly cute kid with a slightly smart mouth, in that Episode 5, she displayed that she is a dead legend wunderkind after all with a specific skill set. In this case, Lily had the ability to rearrange the same song, the hymn-like "Inochi"(命...Life), beautifully sung by Light, and give it new life as it were. It became "Little Parappo" (Little Bodda Bope), a supremely catchy country music-like rap-and-dance that had the audience clapping and the kids discovering a new move to perform at the playground. Almost immediately, there were comments likening "Little Parappo" to "Scatman (Ski Ba Bop Ba Dop Bop)" by the late Scatman John. Ultimately, Lily didn't win the contest but she did win a lot of hearts.

ARISA and Jun Suyama(陶山隼)worked on the original "Inochi" as lyricist and composer/arranger respectively, but "Little Parappo" had Tomoya Kinoshita(木下智哉)contributing his snappy arrangement skills.

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