Thursday, September 23, 2021

Mutsumi Tamura, Yuki Kuwahara and Tomomi Mineuchi/fhana -- Give Me Love


Well, the second season of "Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon"(小林さんちのメイドラゴン...Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid) finished this week, and I was able to catch it yesterday. It was somewhat surprising because I had been expecting something a little more dramatic and action-packed as was the case for the finale of Season 1, but instead, it turned out to be a very relaxing and humour-filled ending (I guess the penultimate episode was going for the drama). No complaints on my part, however, and it was nice to see the show cover not just one but two annual Japanese outdoor traditions. We can only wait for Season 3 to come out sometime in the next couple of years, I hope.

I'd thought that my article on "Ishukan Relationship"(イシュカン♡リレーションシップ), the special ending theme for one episode in Season 2 as sung by Yuki Kuwahara(桑原由気), the seiyuu behind the chipper-but-powerful Tohru, would be the final one for the "Kobayashi-san" file for the foreseeable future. However, I'm happily wrong since while browsing through YouTube late last night, I encountered a track from that necessary part of any successful anime franchise merchandise: the character song album.

Sure enough, the Lantis label released "L・O・V・E" yesterday with the main seiyuu providing various songs. The track that I heard was the very first one that starts off the album, "Give Me Love", featuring Kobayashi-san herself, Mutsumi Tamura(田村睦心), along with Kuwahara, and seiyuu Tomomi Mineuchi(嶺内ともみ)as the new character of Ilulu. fhana's Hideki Hayashi(林英樹)and Junichi Sato(佐藤純一)were responsible for words, music and arrangement of this short-and-sweet-and-fun song with a mix of cute rap, dance beats and Latin. Maybe for next season, instead of just Kanna heading to New York City, it could be the whole gang vacationing in Rio.

From what I see of "L・O・V・E" at the Lantis website itself, it also has Super Chorogons'(スーパーちょろゴンず)version of "Aozora no Rhapsody"(青空のラプソディ), the opening theme for the first season, and "Maid with Dragons"(めいど・うぃず・どらごんず︎❤︎), the ending theme for the second season, as sung individually by the seiyuu.

When I was writing up the article, I'd assumed that this would be Tamura's first appearance on "Kayo Kyoku Plus", but I had completely forgotten that she was already up here as of 2015, thanks to her singing for the anime "Kill Me Baby".

Should've realized that fhana did do the original as the coupling song for "Ai no Supreme"(愛のシュプリーム!).

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