Thursday, October 14, 2021

Easycome -- crispy crispy


Crispy I like my bacon...well, not totally. I still appreciate some chew in my rashers of pork. I do admit that I had an excess of protein on the breakfast plate on our second day of our cruise, but I simply love all the stuff there.

Not sure what the song "crispy crispy" is all about on the band Easycome's EP, "Laidback"(レイドバック), from July 2020. Still, it's plenty fun and nice to hear on any sunny morning. "Laidback" is just the right title for a well-named Easycome album because that's been my impression of this group that I first wrote about a couple of years ago.

Earlier tonight, I provided the sophomore article for Citrobal. That first article for the singer-songwriter was put up onto "Kayo Kyoku Plus" right after I had introduced Easycome on that same day, so I figured that it would be right to put up the band's sophomore article right now, too. "Tsutsuji"(つつじ)was the Easycome song that I featured back then, and just like it, "crispy crispy" is a pleasant guitar pop tune as well, but it has a slightly more of an upbeat swing to it. Hope that the band is doing well.

If everything goes well with the weather, I should be visiting a local diner tomorrow for the first time since the pandemic began. I will definitely be partaking in sausages and maybe even some crispy crispy bacon.

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