Sunday, October 24, 2021

Miho Yonemitsu -- Fall in Love, It's Forever

I first spoke about former 90s aidoru Miho Yonemitsu(米光美保)from Tokyo Performance Doll when she gave her lovely cover of Minako Yoshida's(吉田美奈子)"Koi wa Ryuusei" (恋は流星)in her October 1995 album "Forever".

As such, I'm still hoping that I can get a copy of that album, especially on hearing this other track from "Forever", "Fall in Love, It's Forever" which is, I gather, the title track. Written by Yumi Kadoya(門屋祐美), it's composed by one of the princes of City Pop, Toshiki Kadomatsu(角松敏生), but despite the beats in there, I don't quite think that the song itself is quite a member of that particular urban contemporary genre, although there is a feeling of contemporized 60s pop and even some sophisti-pop. But may I say that it has a lovely Fender Rhodes intro thanks to Shingo Kobayashi(小林信吾)and a trumpet solo to die for by Masahiro Kobayashi(小林正弘)?

"Fall in Love, It's Forever" is quite the classy uplifting tune, true to that feeling of the title and I still love those tender and flying vocals by Yonemitsu. As kaz-shin remarks in "Music Avenue" in the review of the album, the song has that refreshing feeling of morning although that buzz saw guitar at the end is a bit jarring. Interestingly enough, once it's done, it then goes into that cover of "Koi wa Ryuusei".

Ah, just noticed that I passed the 5 million view mark! Thank you very much, folks!

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