Friday, October 15, 2021

Yoshimi Iwasaki -- Snow Lie


I finally got to have my first breakfast in a diner in about 20 months. It wasn't the highest quality of food there but heck I was just happy to have sausages again. Bacon is fine but I do have it every Sunday, so I appreciate another form of pork now and then.

Anyways, it's been a couple of years since I put up a Yoshimi Iwasaki(岩崎良美)song so here is "Snow Lie" from her November 1986 mini-album "Blizzard". I do like the song especially with the groove established right from the get-go but then as the melody progressed, I was wondering whether this was truly a City Pop tune. But on hearing the genres flit about flirtatiously all throughout "Snow Lie", I just said the "heck with it" and have placed it as a City Pop and a Pop number. 

Lyrics are by Keiko Aso(麻生圭子)and the music/arrangement are by Satoshi Takebe(武部聡志). I couldn't quite get what "Snow Lie" is all about, but I can take it as some sort of romantic betrayal on the ski slopes. I did catch that "living together" lyric so perhaps the couple in question was already "living in sin" by the time the fall came.

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