Friday, November 26, 2021

Akiko Murata -- Ki ga Tsukeba Mangetsu(気がつけば満月)


Just about a year ago, I came across this singer with an impactful voice by the name of Akiko Murata(村田彰子)who came out with one album in February 1996 titled "Find Out". Her "Watashirashikunakya!"(私らしくなきゃ!), one of the tracks on "Find Out" was something that I had said was promising but wasn't quite up to her talents with that boomer voice, but it has grown on me over the months.

Her debut single from 1995 was "Ki ga Tsukeba Mangetsu" (A Full Moon, If You Notice) and it was also included on "Find Out" as the first track. Written by Yumi Yoshimoto(吉本由美)and composed by Shin Tanimoto(谷本新), the arrangement is a mix of 80s or early 90s City Pop and some of that danceable R&B in those early 1990s as well. I notice that Murata's vocals are even richer here and the song, especially in the intro had me thinking of a true City Pop classic, Yuiko Tsubokura's(坪倉唯子) "Tsukanoma Yotogi Bito" (一瞬夜伽伴侶)

I've said it before and I will say it again. I will always appreciate finding out about these hidden J-urban contemporary singers with their slick discography even this late in the innings.

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