Sunday, November 28, 2021

Isako Washio -- Mou Ichido Merry Christmas(もう一度メリークリスマス)


Well, as you can see in the photo, this actually was from nearly three years ago but it does reflect the reality in Toronto today since overnight we did get our first major snowfall. It's looking rather pure, clean and Xmas-y out there...for now. Once the snow lingers around for several more days, it'll all coalesce into black disgusting lumps. 

OK, now that I got my Scrooge out in that last sentence, let's look a bit more up here. I did find another Christmas-themed J-Pop tune by actress Isako Washio(鷲尾いさ子). Now, the only other presence that she has on the blog is "Tekkotsu Musume"(鉄骨娘), the catchy jingle that she provided for the vitamin drink Tekkotsu Inryo(鉄骨飲料)

From her 1991 3rd and final album to date, "Yuki"(雪...Snow), is "Mou Ichido Merry Christmas" (Merry Christmas One More Time), a song that only has light jingling in the refrain along with the title to signify that it's a Xmas tune. It's an interesting entry since it has that certain urgency in the rhythm reminiscent of the far more well-known "Christmas Carol no Koro ni wa"(クリスマスキャロルの頃には)by Junichi Inagaki(稲垣潤一), and there are some chord changes which strike me as being somewhat Taeko Ohnuki-esque(大貫妙子). However, the music was actually by singer-songwriter Mioko Yamaguchi(山口未央子)with lyrics by Yoshiko Miura(三浦徳子). I couldn't find the lyrics but I guess that "Mou Ichido Merry Christmas" is more along the complicated romance side of J-Xmas tunes.

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