Thursday, November 4, 2021

Misato Watanabe -- Nude


It's been almost a couple of years since my last Misato Watanabe(渡辺美里)article and the message in this song is probably something that resonates within a whole lot of people especially over the last couple of years of this pandemic.

Watanabe's "Nude" is a track from her July 1993 8th album "Big Wave", and despite the title, there is nothing particularly naked about this song. Instead, her lyrics are prodding at the average woman in the work force about getting out and enjoying life...basically take that much-needed tropical vacation and if she's lucky, land that guy. Meanwhile, Takeshi Kobayashi's(小林武史)composition and arrangement (and I think that those are his hands on the keyboard) are all quite sunny and groovy with a hint of 1970s soul including some familiar strings and flute.

I certainly wouldn't mind that vacation myself but I'm holding for that sign that I can go back to Japan again someday, preferably in about a year. Anyways, "Big Wave" hit No. 1 on the chart and ended up as the 18th-ranked album of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Brian, she always struck me as having that cheerleader sense within her.:)


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