Monday, November 22, 2021

Yu Sakai -- Ai no Deban(愛の出番)


Welcome to the final full week of November. Yep, it's approaching the end of the year and within a few days, we'll be getting into the Xmas season of "Kayo Kyoku Plus", so the Yuletide J-Pop will be popping up as well. May even see a few flakes overnight here.

Several "Uta Con"(うたコン)episodes ago, singer-songwriter Yu Sakai(さかいゆう)appeared on the show to show off one of his latest creations, the short-and-sweet "Ai no Deban" (Love's Turn). Coming out as part of his 8th album, "Ai no Deban + Thanks to", from May this year, it's a mellow piano pop song about a couple overcoming differences and coming to compromises in the pursuit of love. I'm always a sucker for a rich piano underlaying a song.

For the Sakai songs that I've written about in the past on the blog, they've been through his collaborations with Tomita Lab(冨田ラボ), such as the song in the previous article about him, "Itsumo Dokodemo"(いつもどこでも). However, it looks like this time around, Sakai is taking care of this on his own. 

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