Saturday, December 18, 2021

Hikaru Utada -- PINK BLOOD


To confess, when I heard the title of Hikaru Utada's(宇多田ヒカル)"PINK BLOOD", the first image came to mind was all that body fluid spurting from those poor Klingons on "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country". Of course, that was me being the old Trekkie.

"PINK BLOOD" was actually a theme song used for the opening for the NHK-E anime "Fumetsu no Anata e"(不滅のあなたへ...To Your Eternity), a centuries-spanning adventure centered around an immortal being who's learning what it means to be human while meeting friends and enemies alike. That premise sounds like one of the topics that "Star Trek" had enjoyed tackling through some of its characters such as Spock, Data and Odo.

Written and composed by Utada as her June 2021 digital download single, "PINK BLOOD" makes the point that the only important thing of one's self-worth is what that self thinks instead of having to rely on what others think. Though I've never seen "Fumetsu no Anata e" (although if I had still been going to my anime buddy's house on Sundays, there would have been a chance that the show would have been part of the lineup), I think that's perhaps the lesson that the main character Fushi would have eventually learned. 

According to the J-Wiki article for the slow funk single, it is Utada's first song given to a television anime program which hit No. 16 on the Billboard Japan Hot 100. It is due to be placed onto her 8th studio album "Bad Mode"(BADモード)which will get a January 2022 release for download and then its CD release a month later.


  1. Both the anime and song are really good. Also, her new single "Kimini Muchuu" is really beautiful. Can't wait for her album next month.

    1. Hello there. I think that I caught sight of the video for "Kimi ni Muchuu" on YouTube. I'll have to check it out as well. Thanks!


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