Friday, December 24, 2021

Kazuhito Murata -- Flying Santa Claus


Of course, Santa Claus flies. He's got that sleigh all kitted out by Tony Stark, a TARDIS-like interior fitted by The Doctor through dimensional transcendentalism for all of those packages, and impulse engines sponsored by Starfleet. Yesterday, there was a cute Canadian government-sanctioned commercial of one minister giving St. Nick air clearance to fly over the Great White North in a matter of hours, and I'm sure NORAD has eternal standing orders to always allow the man flight privileges over North America, at least.

There's even a song called "Flying Santa Claus" by the late singer-songwriter Kazuhito Murata(村田和人)who was usually known for his City Pop or summer pop songs. But this time, he's in Xmas mode with this seasonal song about having Kris Kringle cure all that ails folks. "Flying Santa Claus" is a track on his October 1988 album "Go Pop", and it's a pleasant and at times flying number heightened by Murata's vocals and the arrangement of the singer's melody by Masahiro Ikumi(幾見雅博). Shun Taguchi(田口俊)provided the lyrics.

Let's all hope that Santa has been having a safe trip. I think that he passed Hokkaido hours ago.

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