Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Mayumi Itsuwa -- Fuyuzareta Machi(冬ざれた街)


Throughout the life of this blog, I've noted that whenever the talk of autumn comes up in a kayo, the lyrical theme will usually be on the loss of love for various reasons. So, I do wonder then if fall is considered to be the season of heartbreak, then what must winter bring?

Well, singer-songwriter Mayumi Itsuwa(五輪真弓)has the answer and it's not a happy one. Then again, her "Fuyuzareta Machi" (Wintry Town) isn't any sadder or more heartbreaking than some of the melancholy melodies that I've heard with the theme of autumn in there. It is a wistful tune as Itsuwa weaves the setting of a woman in tears as she sees her former lover for the last time walk off into the distance. To be honest, maybe the season isn't winter at all but it just feels like it because a chill wind has wafted in where her significant other's presence used to be.

As you probably have noticed from listening to the above video, Itsuwa sings "Fuyuzareta Machi" entirely in French and this song was from her 5th studio album "Etranger"(えとらんぜ)from June 1977. This was a self-cover of the her original 5th single, recorded in Japanese, which was released in February 1974. Unfortunately, I couldn't find that original version on YouTube although YO-EN gives a wonderful cover of that version below (as she does for Higurashi's "Aki no Tobira"). But getting back to that French cover, I have enjoyed it for the bluesy sax and the harmonica...they give the song that Parisian flavour.

It's been a few years since Itsuwa has been back on the blog...nice to see her again.

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