Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Yu Sakai -- Getting to Love You

Earlier this morning, I tried to go to the nearest vaccination clinic to get my booster shot since I was now eligible, only to find a very long snaky line winding outside. The rain helped me to realize that I wasn't going to get the shot today but I did make an online appointment so the closest time available is early next week. C'est la vie!

A few weeks ago, I covered a Yu Sakai(さかいゆう)ballad called "Ai no Deban"(愛の出番)from this year about a couple riding the ups and downs of a relationship. This time around, the Sakai number here is "Getting to Love You", a contemporary example of bass-thumping funkiness from his March 2020 album "Touch the World". Written and composed by the trio of Sakai, Dr. R and Avena Savage, the singer trips the light fantastic vocally speaking and the whole song sounds like something that Bruno Mars or The Weeknd could tackle. It really does goes well with a car in smooth highway mode.

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