Thursday, December 9, 2021

Yukari Ito/Chiharu Matsuyama -- Mou Ichido(もう一度)


Looking up at that cover of singer Yukari Ito(伊東ゆかり)in that feathery hairstyle, I have to guess 1980s. In a way, there is something rather Seiko-chan about it.

And yup, I was barely right since this is the cover for her February 1980 single "Mou Ichido" (One More Time). Rather reminiscent of Keiko Maruyama's(丸山圭子)hit "Douzo Komo Mama"(どうぞこのまま), this Ito ditty is a classy bossa nova ballad that could be set in any of the Tokyo neighbourhoods populated by expensive nightclubs. Dang...hearing that trombone in the intro and then Ito's dulcet tones really set a mood.

Surprisingly, the people behind the song are folk singer Chiharu Matsuyama(松山千春)on words and music with bassist Tsugutoshi Goto(後藤次利)handling overall arrangement. I don't usually associate Matsuyama or Goto with the romantic Latin balladry but they give Ito a very nice song to croon, although the lyrics by the former have Ito plead her case for a love affair not to end. However, knowing these songs, they don't usually end very happily. Pass out the bittersweet chocolates.

Matsuyama himself did a self-cover of "Mou Ichido" a few months later for his 5th studio album "Roman"(浪漫...Romance) in May 1980. The album hit No. 1 and it became the 7th-ranked release of the year.

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