Saturday, January 1, 2022

Masaki Matsubara -- BUSTED


Hmm...let's see. I have come across this track called "BUSTED" in a January 1983 Masaki Matsubara(松原正樹)album titled "Sniper". Perhaps there's a running theme of action and suspense through this release? Heck, the cover of that shady neighbourhood leads me to believe that someone is in that walk-up apartment planning some sort of contract hit, dismantling and reconstructing their gun.

As it is, though, "BUSTED" is the only track on the album that has that ominous tone. Well, there is also "You Know What I Like" but perhaps that's a whole other kettle of fish. Anyways, the song is a contemplative flight of fancy for the late guitarist/composer as he takes his fusion in and out of the darkness. But in between that jazz and rock, that guitar of his also seems to be expressing some blues as well. Y'know, musically speaking, this could be the ideal theme song for an old-style hitman and their uncertain life.

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