Thursday, January 20, 2022

Okayu -- Hoshitabi(星旅)/Downtown


Still digging out of the mess that Monday's storm left us although things are definitely improving. It continued to be a trek just getting the newspaper and some lunch today for everyone. At least, it was sunny out there. ☀

Months ago in August 2020, "Uta Con"(うたコン)introduced me to balladeer and songwriter Okayu(おかゆ), and in her "Aishite yo"(愛してよ), she was seen as this new talent for some of the old enka and Mood Kayo. However, her J-Wiki file also lists her as a pop singer/musician, and with her third and latest single from June 2021, "Hoshitabi", her words and melody take her completely out of those traditional genres and into J-Pop/rock.

In fact, with some of that arrangement, I was even reminded of the late trumpeter Shin Kazuhara(数原晋)and his project Tokyo Ensemble Lab, especially via their "Lady Ocean". In accordance with release date of "Hoshitabi", there is something naturally very let's-hit-the-surf summery about the song which I could translate as "Star Trek" but I think that a certain sci-fi franchise has already taken that title so I'll go with "Star Voyage" instead. Anyways, the song also comes across as a tune that could even fit in as a theme song for any of the more dynamic anime, strangely enough, as Okayu and her guitar demonstrate. I think part of it is because her lyrics talk of a couple taking on the challenge of taking that big leap forward together despite any and all obstacles.

Also on the single is Okayu's take on the City Pop classic "Downtown" originally by Sugar Babe, and yep the arrangement follows the band's style. At this rate, the song will end up earning its own Label.

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