Saturday, April 2, 2022

For the person who has been asking about "The Lost Akiba Tape"


Dear Mr. Cuevas:

I did receive your second message through the contact form along with the other comments over the past few weeks. My first response to you was on March 11th under your first comment at the article for "Oricon Top 10 Singles for September 1989", and my second comment was on March 13th for which I referred you to that same article for my response.

As for your fear that your comments were construed to be spam, no worries about that. However, I can also reassure you that this will be my final response on the matter. Can you I ask you to acknowledge that you did read this article and my response on the other article?


  1. Hi J-Canuck,

    I do very much apologize! Since I had posted the comments and sent you emails with my Gmail account, I thought I would get a notification in my email that there was a reply. But it seems like Gmail does not notify me when I get a response from Blogger, and thus I thought I had never gotten through to you. I do deeply and sincerely apologize and I hope I wasn't a bother. I didn't mean to be a nuisance.
    Regarding your response, I have gone back and read it. Thank you very much for your information and I will respond on that page as well.

  2. This is a reply to your March 11th response:

    Thank you very much for this information! I hadn't really considered Shizuka Kudo so I thank you for that new bit of info. I listened to her and she does sound like the mystery singer, we'll see what we can find with that. So far, our closest sounding singers are Reiko Takahashi and now Shizuka Kudo, at least to me.

    We think the tape was recorded sometime between 1986-1991, most likely in between 1989 and 1991 as the tape with the mystery song is reported to have a song by Yumiko Takahashi on it among others from that time, but the original Japanese poster did not post specifics on the songs on his version of the tape.

    We did however find that there was another tape with the same mystery song on it that was bought by another person. They actually listed the various songs on the tape, one of them being Yukiko Okada's "Private Red" from 1985 and another being Momoko Kikuchi's "Yoake no Speed Way" from 1986. I'll leave the link here with the post that has the list of songs if you'd care to look. We think it's either a completely different tape that ended up with the same mystery song, or it's the same tape and the original Japanese poster misheard and thought one of the singers was Yumiko Takahashi.

    Link to original Yahoo post:

    Link to Google doc with the names of the songs accurately translated that a member in our group produced:

    Again, I can't thank you enough for your response and information J-Canuck! Thank you very much! And again I sincerely apologize for having spammed you with messages and not checking back on the original post for nearly a month!

    I'm not sure if you use the Discord platform, but if you'd like to join our research group to input any information or just to see our progress on resolving this mystery, I will leave that invitation link as well. We'd love to have someone with extensive knowledge of Showa era music like you help us out! Again, thank you very much and sorry for the bother!

    Link to our Discord server:

    1. Hello, Guillermo. Thanks very much for your explanation and no harm done. I'm just happy that everything could be resolved. Again as I mentioned in my first response, I don't think that I can help any more than I did when I put out the APB on the mystery song last year, but I hope that you and your team can somehow finally track down the identity of the singer.

  3. Have you considered Rin Kuwata as a possible person?

    Her voice and style, especially the dissonant drops, are similar.

    Only thing is she sings just a little lower than Fly Away, but not so much to make it impossible.


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.