Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Iruka -- Aitsu(あいつ)


A couple of days ago in the final paragraph of the article for Masanori Sera & Twist's(世良正則&ツイスト)"Anta no Ballad"(あんたのバラード), I referred to the different Japanese expressions to describe the word "you". Well, it was never my intention to make the blog into "Japanese Grammar with J-Canuck" but it looks like I have another opportunity with an extremely informal form of another pronoun. I've known that the third-person masculine singular, "he" or "him" can be translated formally into "kare"(彼)or "ano hito"(あの人). But then, there is also "aitsu" which can refer to "he", "him" or "that guy", but depending on the situation, the nuance can be such so that it can also mean "that jerk" or something worse; in other words, it's a term to be used sparingly if possible.

That is indeed the title for folk singer Iruka's(イルカ)track from her March 1975 debut album "Iruka no Sekai"(イルカの世界...Iruka's World). But Shozo Ise(伊勢正三), who wrote and composed the song, provided the mellow-voiced singer with a very gentle and relaxing melody for such a direct-sounding title. If I'm not mistaken about the lyrics, though, the story is told from the view of a secret admirer of a young lady whose current paramour has suddenly gone off into the mountains for some reason. The admirer is far from happy, thereby using the title against him and wondering how anyone could abandon such a wonderful lass although there is a hint that she still holds a torch for aitsu.

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