Tuesday, April 12, 2022

J-Canuck's Favourite 5 Hideki Saijo Songs


Well, I got the reminder from Van Paugam's tweet a few days ago that the late Hideki Saijo(西城秀樹)was born on April 13th, and because Japan is now officially in April 13th, I gather that it is time to celebrate what would have been his 67th birthday. To be honest, I'm not as much of a fan of Hideki as many others are on Twitter and elsewhere, but I thought that I would put up some of the songs that I have enjoyed over the decades. As usual, whenever I put up these favourite lists, I don't put the individual songs up in any specific order.

For all of those fans out there, have a happy Hideki day!

Young Man (ヤングマン)

Kizudarake no Lola (傷だらけのローラ)

Sei Shojo (聖・少女)

Boomerang Street (ブーメランストリート)

City Dreams From Tokyo

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