Thursday, April 14, 2022

Yumi Tanimura -- Tameiki Iro no Tapestry(ためいき色のタペストリー)


Well, it's been about four years since I've put up a Yumi Tanimura(谷村有美)song so I will have to rectify this oversight. And this one goes all the way back to her debut album "Believe In" in November 1987.

"Tameiki Iro no Tapestry" (Tapestry of Sighs) follows that J-Pop trope of one-sided love as the singer croons about a young lady who just can't come up with the words for the person that she's fallen for. With lyrics by Tanimura herself and Masaaki Omura(大村雅朗)behind the melody and arrangement, I do enjoy that mature feeling in the song. For a track on a debut album, "Tameiki Iro no Tapestry" sounds like something that I would have expected from singer-songwriter Miki Imai(今井美樹)at around the same time. 

Reading about the album on J-Wiki, "Believe In" had some heavy hitters in the recording booth such as guitarists Makoto Matsushita(松下誠)and Masaki Matsubara(松原正樹), Jake H. Concepcion on saxophone, synthesizer operator Hideki Matsutake(松武秀樹)and Shin Kazuhara(数原晋)on trumpet and fluegelhorn.

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