Thursday, June 9, 2022

Love Tambourines -- Cherish Our Love


Now that we're approaching the summer solstice and therefore the longest day of the year, tonight's sunset is still a ways off as I'm typing this, but looking outside my window, it certainly feels like a day is slowly coming to an end. 

As such, I think that this particular number by the 90s band Love Tambourines kinda hits that part of the day. In fact, this is their debut single "Cherish Our Love" from April 1993 and it feels like a song which jumped from the 1960s over to the 1990s as this soulful Motown tune thanks to its arrangement and ELLIE's vocals. Not only do I think that it hearkens back to the various groups from those days but on hearing "Cherish Our Love" a few times, I also feel that a group like Swingout Sister could do a decent cover of it as well.

The Nicovideo link will take you to the music video for "Cherish Our Love".

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