Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Yujiro Ishihara -- Lonely Night, Lonely Way(ロンリーナイト・ロンリーウェイ)


The list for Yujiro Ishihara's(石原裕次郎)songs on "Kayo Kyoku Plus" has become a long one. But here is one special single.

"Lonely Night, Lonely Way" is some of that older smoky-voiced Ishihara in the venerable beloved pub, but the single stands out because this was not only The Tough Guy's 2nd posthumous release in February 1988, several months after his passing in July 1987 but also the final single that was released under his name, according to J-Wiki. Written by Reiji Matsumoto(松本礼児), who has nothing to do with the creation of a famous space battle cruiser since that author's romaji name is actually Leiji Matsumoto(松本零士), and composed by veteran Keisuke Hama(浜圭介), "Lonely Night, Lonely Way" is especially poignant considering the departure of Ishihara from this mortal coil. It's not about the loss of romance but the middle-aged realization of the loss of friends and a happier age of young life as a presumably beaten-down corporate cog schlumps his way home while the current youth are now living life large in his stead.

I'm not certain who arranged Hama's melody but there is that contemporary mixture of Mood Kayo and ennui-laden Fashion Music or New Adult Music. I'm also uncertain when Ishihara recorded "Lonely Night, Lonely Way" but he did sound rather hale at that point with that resonant baritone of his. Recently, I also wrote about another "Lonely Night".

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