Sunday, July 17, 2022

Cosmic Invention -- Chotto Honto Ato wa Uso(ちょっとホントあとはウソ)


I thought that Haruo Chikada's(近田春夫)lyrics for this second of three singles by the technopop unit Cosmic Invention(コスミック・インベンション), a quintet of kids on synthesizers, were surprisingly adult. Not that "Chotto Honto Ato wa Uso" (A Little Truth Followed by Lies) needs to have an R-18 rating stamped on it, but the story of a young girl somehow getting entangled with the local hunk while putting on the show that they are a bona fide item sounds more like something for the high school juniors or seniors.

Released in July 1981 and delivered in alternate breathless and robotic voices by Cosmic Invention drummer/vocalist Mima Morioka(森岡みま)against the backdrop of technological bleeps and bloops, the music was provided by Hiroyoshi Oda(小田啓義), the same fellow behind the arrangement of the band's take on "Computer Obaachan" (コンピューターおばあちゃん). This mixes in all of the probable emotions that the lass of the story might be feeling: the internal thrill and panic along with the comical deviousness of keeping the charade going.

Seeing those costumes below, I think that Cosmic Invention should have been called Spectrum Junior. instead of YMO Junior. In any case, "Chotto Honto Ato wa Uso" was also a track on the band's August 1981 debut album, "Cosmorama".


  1. This band is too good. And it was a short-lived band, what a shame.

    1. Indeed, it was a pity. There was some real talent in there, but I gather that at least most of the members decided to opt for university in other subjects.


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