Sunday, July 3, 2022

Momoko Kikuchi -- Nichiyoubi no Recipe(日曜日のレシピ)


Enjoy your processed meat this morning? I did. It was the typical bacon-and-egg Sunday breakfast along with the pancakes underneath butter and maple syrup. Although I don't get to partake in it much these days, I also love the occasional round of sausages. Of course, I gotta have my orange juice and coffee, too.

Well, this is just the milieu for me to introduce "Nichiyoubi no Recipe" (Sunday Recipe) by 80s aidoru Momoko Kikuchi(菊池桃子)which was the B-side to her July 1987 11th single "Nile in Blue". As with that A-side, City Pop maestro Tetsuji Hayashi(林哲司)was behind the composition for "Nichiyoubi no Recipe", but unlike the downtown nighttime atmosphere that "Nile in Blue" evokes, Hayashi, who also arranged the song, brought some major-chord sunniness here which is fitting for something with this title. With Masako Arikawa(有川正沙子)providing the lyrics, it's more on the typically aidoru side of things with a bit of West Coast synthesizer thrown in.

Enjoy that brunch!☕

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