Friday, July 29, 2022

Shigeru Suzuki -- Hot Blooded


Can't quite help it here, but when I listen to musician/songwriter Shigeru Suzuki's(鈴木茂)disco instrumental "Hot Blooded", the first track on his 1979 "White Heat" album, I feel that this should have been the theme song or at least a soundtrack piece to the Japanese equivalent of an old American Quinn Martin cop/detective show. I mean that there is that certain urgent feeling of "Let's go get the bad guys!" in "Hot Blooded", and of course, the title itself could describe any intrepid lone-wolf officer.

Along with Suzuki's guitar, there are some fine horns in there including the Shin Kazuhara(数原晋)Group and the bass by Tsugutoshi Goto(後藤次利).

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