Saturday, July 16, 2022

Yasuko Kuwata -- Tokimeki Jikanwari(ときめき時間割り)


It's kinda refreshing to hear an early 1980s aidoru arrangement once more after a while. Those soaring strings, the latent funkiness, and the sparkly keyboards surrounding the cute teenybopper vocals have me thinking back to Seiko Matsuda(松田聖子), Akina Nakamori(中森明菜)and Naoko Kawai(河合奈保子).

However, the aidoru here is Yasuko Kuwata(桑田靖子)and the song is "Tokimeki Jikanwari" (Heartthrob Timetable) which was a track on her December 1983 2nd album "Tokimeki"(ときめき). Written by Etsuko Kisugi(来生えつこ)and composed by Ikuro Fujiwara(藤原いくろう), the song is a pleasantly natsukashii aidoru tune sung in an appropriately chirpy way by Kuwata. They certainly don't make songs like these anymore.

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