Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Finger Five -- Koi no American Football(恋のアメリカン・フットボール)


If I'm not mistaken, the National Football League is almost done with its preseason play and should be getting ready for another rousing season. Although my favourite team sport will always be ice hockey, I also enjoy football especially because of some of these gems shown above and the sportscasters' reactions to them.

from YouTube

Somehow, looking at the boys on the cover of this record single, I don't really think that Tom Brady has much to be intimidated about. And in a nation where American-style football has some but not overwhelming interest, I kinda wondered why songwriters Shunichi Tokura and Yu Aku(都倉俊一・阿久悠)came up with a 1970s kayo revolving around this particular sport. But that's the magic of music!

Regardless, "Koi no American Football" (American Football of Love) was Finger Five's(フィンガーファイブ)5th single from June 1974. With a melodic arrangement reminiscent of 1960s summertime pop, the Tamamoto Brothers and Sister from Okinawa sing about the big game on the gridiron where one player has been promised one big kiss if the team can win it all. I never followed the legend, but I'm fairly sure that Vince Lombardi didn't ever inspire his teams that way.

"Koi no American Football" tackled a No. 4 ranking on Oricon and it won Finger Five a Young Idol Prize at the Japan Record Awards that year. Enjoy your season!

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