Friday, August 19, 2022

Junko Yagami -- Manhattan ni Miserarete(マンハッタンに魅せられて)

I guess that we're continuing with the NYC theme since my last article was Akiko Wada's(和田アキ子)"Park Avenue 7 PM". This time, though, we're expanding things to the whole of Manhattan Island.

City Pop chanteuse Junko Yagami(八神純子)has already shown her love for New York City through her lively disco hit 1980 single "Purpletown ~ You Oughta Know By Now" (パープルタウン). This time, though, her musical tribute to the Big Apple comes via her "Manhattan ni Miserarete" (Manhattan Fascination [though the official English title is simply "Manhattan"]), which wasn't a single but a track on Yagami's 6th studio album "I WANNA MAKE A HIT WIT-CHOO" that came out in July 1983.

Another thing is that "Manhattan ni Miserarete" strays far away from disco and instead starts off sounding rather mellow and AOR before her love letter to the borough gets a little funkier near the end. Moreover, another difference is that Yagami didn't have anything to do with the songwriting, instead leaving it to Louis St. Louis and Tony Walsh. As for "I WANNA MAKE A HIT WIT-CHOO", it peaked at No. 16 on Oricon.

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