Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Masaki Matsubara -- Shining Star


I've already gotten a couple of tracks from the late guitarist Masaki Matsubara's(松原正樹)1983 "Painted Woman" up on KKP. There is "Silly Crush" featuring Eric Tagg on vocals and then "Tequila Toast". Now for today, I have "Shining Star".

Nope, it has nothing to do with Earth Wind & Fire, but it's still a funky jam thanks to composer Tetsuji Hayashi(林哲司)and Matsubara's noodling on the guitar. Mike Dunn provided the lyrics which I believe have been interpreted by the vocal sister trio of EVE although I couldn't confirm by any currently present information regarding the album's liner notes. I would also like to find out who was behind the horns. According to Dunn's lyrics, the Shining Star of the song is apparently one snazzy and wealthy guy making the rounds downtown...kinda like Quincy Jones' The Dude. 

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