Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Hiroko Mita -- Aki Kaze Melancholy(秋風メランコリー)


Wow! It's been a little over four years since putting up a Hiroko Mita(三田寛子)article. The last one was "Lemon Sensation"(レモン・センセイション)back in June 2018. I mentioned at the time that there weren't a whole lot of Mita songs on YouTube but I've got a feeling that things may have changed in the last few years.

For example, I did find this seasonal tune by Mita titled "Aki Kaze Melancholy" (Autumn Wind Melancholy) which was the opening track to her 2nd album "Melancholy Colour"(メランコリー・カラー)from November 1982. Suitably breezy with Mita's suitably aidoru vocals, it looks like the protagonist is a teenage girl who may be enjoying a shuugaku ryokou and first love in Paris judging from the peppering of "Bonjour" in Yoko Aki's(阿木燿子)lyrics. The title might be autumn-flavoured but the bouncy melody and arrangement by Makoto Kawaguchi(川口真)still feels as if summer hasn't quite let go of this song.

1 comment:

  1. I can barely remember the movie "Patlabor II". Did the franchise make use of a lot of aidoru tunes?


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