Thursday, September 8, 2022

Kana Hanazawa -- Don't Know Why


Had a rather bizarre dream last night in which I was supposed to head over to a friend's house for a party when I experienced that most horrible of situations in which I lost my way. And the longer the dream continued and the more I tried to get on track, I ended up further and further away from my goal. By the time my leg cramps got me awake, I ended up in some abandoned inner city alleys. Thank the heavens that I did come out of Nightmare Land.

Well, according to seiyuu and singer Kana Hanazawa's(花澤香菜)"Don't Know Why", a track from her most recent album, the February 2022 "blossom", her dreams are so much more pleasant that she gets rather frustrated when she has to wake up to reality. The song does make it rather tempting in that technopop blippity-bloppity way. With music and lyrics by Katsutoshi Nakagawa(北川勝利), and seiyuu Konomi Fujimura(藤村鼓乃美)also assisting on the words, I do like the melody but I've found myself in a slight quandary. There's something about the arrangement that reminds me of the 80s synthpop and 2010s Vaporwave which then has me thinking about the music of California-based Ginger Root. So I wonder whether I should even be adding an extra label of Neo-City Pop. You Kana fans can let me know.

Certainly the video also helps out in that feeling of music past with the mirror ball people and the shimmery curtains in the back. In fact, I'd say that the set is also reminiscent of an old Men Without Hats video from those halcyon 1980s. As for "blossom", it peaked at No. 19 on Oricon.

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