Saturday, September 17, 2022

Sanae Yokota -- Digital Lullaby(デジタル ・ ララバイ)


I gather that today's weather is somewhat in a meteorological transition period. It's neither warm nor cool but the sun is out, but we are fast approaching the arrival of autumn in half a week.

Time to introduce another 80s aidoru who had a brief time in the spotlight. Sanae Yokota(横田早苗)was born in Nakano Ward, Tokyo but grew up in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. In 1982, the lass as a high girl senior got as far as the semi-finals for the Miss Seventeen Contest sponsored by the girls' fashion magazine "Seventeen", and right in January 1983, she made her debut as a teen idol with the single "Fuantasy Night"(不安タジー・ナイト). No spelling error with the first word of that title which is a transnational pun combining the word "fantasy" and the Japanese word "fuan" which means "worry" or "doubt".

However, this article will feature the B-side to "Fuantasy Night", "Digital Lullaby". As was the case with earlier aidoru Tomoko Ishizaka's(石坂智子)similarly titled "Digital Night Lullaby"(デジタル・ナイト・ララバイ)from 1980, Yokota's "Digital Lullaby" doesn't sound even remotely like a techno kayo but is merely another cute aidoru tune written by Machiko Ryu(竜真知子), composed by Yasuo Kosugi(小杉保夫)and arranged by Kazuo Otani(大谷和夫). It's got a bit of character through the inclusion of that rolling Latin piano in parts.

Yokota released three singles, all in 1983, along with one album "Summer Breeze". She also appeared in a smattering of variety shows and dramas, and published one photo book up to 1987, but that was all she wrote. 

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