Friday, September 30, 2022

Sara Takahashi -- Savanna Kankaku(サバンナ感覚)


Well, KKP has its second Sara to come on board the blog. Sara Takahashi(高橋沙羅)now joins fellow City Popster Sara Hamamoto(浜本沙良), and that's not the only situation where names can be confused. One Japanese blogger has even pointed out that there could be some mix-up between this Tokyo singer and the winning ski jumper Sara Takanashi(高梨沙羅)with just one kanji difference.

Regardless, Takahashi is a singer about whom there's not much information. Once again, I had to refer to "" to help out and it was there that I did find out that she was born Masae Takahashi(高橋正枝). As well, she spent four years overseas in the United States and Spain, so she's fluent in English and Spanish. Her hobbies include cooking, travel and pachinko.

According to that idol site, Takahashi released just three singles between 1980 and 1984 with the second one being "Savanna Kankaku" (Savanna Sensation), released in March 1981. Listening to the song a few times now, there are a few influences in play here: City Pop, Mood Kayo, and Latin (maybe even some last vestiges of disco), thanks to Kisaburo Suzuki's(鈴木キサブロ)melody and Masataka Matsutoya's(松任谷正隆)arrangement. Rei Nakanishi(なかにし礼)took care of the lyrics, which according to that blogger that I referred to above are fairly raunchy. OK, I'll just take that at face value then.

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