Friday, September 23, 2022

Yutaka Yokokura -- Urban Jungle


When I wrote up my most recent Yutaka Yokokura(横倉裕)article, that was back in late 2020 during the time that it was probably really cold, wintry and pandemic-ridden. I also mentioned that I would have to get that 1990 album of the J-fusion musician, "Brazasia". After all, the topic of that article was the title track duet between him and Seawind member Pauline Wilson.

Ahh...let's see. We are nearing the end of September 2022 at the very beginnings of autumn. No "Brazasia" on my shelf. Oh, well. However, I can still talk about another track from the album "Urban Jungle". When I first saw that title, I had been expecting some loud, raunchy and funky music from Yokokura, but I should have known better. As far as I know from the couple of albums that I have purchased by him, he really doesn't do the loud thing. 

Instead, the instrumental "Urban Jungle" is probably something that I would love to hear in a drinking establishment to escape the actual urban jungle. That elegant koto combined with the twinkly keyboards make for a fine accompaniment with the cake-and-coffee set. I'm happy to say that there are plenty of those bars and cafes in Tokyo to flee the city grind if it all gets a bit much.

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