Sunday, November 13, 2022

Jenya (Love Solfege) -- Universe


Earlier today, I wrote about the opening theme, "Maid Dai Kaiten"(メイド大回転), for the anime "Akiba Meido Senso"(アキバ冥途戦争...Akiba Maid War), and I gave the listing of the main cast which included a seiyuu named Jenya(ジェーニャ)who has been portraying the new Russian maid, Zoya(ゾーヤ)

Initially, with Zoya speaking Russian, I wondered whether the show had actually recruited Russian-speaking seiyuu Sumire Uesaka(上坂すみれ). But seeing this new name among the cast, I decided to investigate further. By the way, you can click the "CC" above to get English subtitles.

Well, I found out that Jenya, whose real name is Yevgeniya Ivanovna Davidyuk according to her Wikipedia profile, had walked a somewhat similar path to mine when it came to Japan. Just as much as I fell for Japan and its culture and ended up going there to live and work for many years, Jenya became interested in voice acting after catching "Sailor Moon" in her teenage years and achieved her dream of making it to the nation to work and live.

In fact, both Uesaka and Jenya got to speak Russian in the 2015 movie sequel of the popular series "Girls und Panzer" as their characters of Nonna and Klara respectively. Along with being a seiyuu, Jenya is also a singer and a radio personality.

Unfortunately, I could find only a truncated version of this song, but "Universe" is a track on a 2013 album "Gaizensei Shinkaron II"(蓋然性進化論II...Probabilistic Evolution Theory 2) that Jenya released under the pseudonym of Love Solfege. Written by the singer and Shinichiro Yamashita(山下慎一狼)and composed by Auguste Beau(オーギュスト棒), I like the song and delivery since it has both the feeling of an 80s AOR tune and an anison for a particular sci-fi program. Certainly, I would like to hear the full version someday.

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