Friday, November 11, 2022

Nash Music Library -- Freewheeling Life/A Quiet Day


When I put up the first few entries from the Nash Music Library back in August, I did so because they had been used as background music for various segments for Japan's Weathernews service. They were comfy short pieces that became as welcome as the many weathercasters that have become popular not just within Japan but abroad over nearly two years.

Tonight, I've got a couple more of Nash Music Library tunes, but I don't think that they have been used for Weathernews, as far as I know. According to their YouTube channel, the two tunes were just brought to everyone's attention within the last couple of weeks, actually. This one here is "Freewheeling Life" and apparently, it's part of their "Various Fusion" collection and it certainly sounds like it belongs there. For a 2022 song, it does come across as being a 1980s creation, especially with that West Coast electric guitar.

From the same "Various Fusion" collection, here is "A Quiet Day". Led by a very familiar-sounding keyboard (if someone can identify it for sure, that would be great! Fender Rhodes?), as the title would indicate, it's a bit mellower than "Freewheeling Life". The first song would be the sunny drive down the street while "A Quiet Day" is hanging out at the favourite cafe in the neighbourhood. Strangely enough, there is something in the arrangement for this one that reminds me of the soundtrack for "Tokyo Love Story" by Toshifumi Hinata(日向敏文). Of the two here, I think that "A Quiet Day" would make for a nice accompaniment for those caster-less segments during the overnight period on Weathernews.

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