Saturday, November 5, 2022

Suiyoubi no Campanella -- Maneki-neko(招き猫)

Ah...the maneki-neko (beckoning cat). I used to see these cute white cats up in many places in Japan and just thought it made for a nice decoration although I kinda wondered why it just seemed to be everywhere. Well, I finally found out that it was a good luck charm for whoever owned the feline figurines and with all sorts of restaurants and other stores putting them up in their front windows, the owners were hoping for a successful business. 

Well, it looks like the good folks at Suiyoubi no Campanella(水曜日のカンパネラ)dedicated a quick and tasty song to the ubiquitous figure earlier this year. "Maneki-neko" was released as a single earlier in February; it's not a particularly hard-driving tune but then again, the beckoning cat was never really for the hard sell. Just like the figurine, the song is a short-and-sweet entity with that Suiyoubi no Campanella sound describing what the maneki-neko is all about. Come on in, sample the merchandise and pay what it's worth. No more, no less.

For anyone traveling in Japan right now and looking at this blog (rare as that demographic may be), perhaps you can observe how many times you have seen the maneki-neko.


  1. Maneki-Neko always reminded me of カリン (Karin) from the in the dragonball manga for some reason but the actually the Pokémon ニャース (Meowth) is an allusion to Maneki-Neko.

    1. Morning, Brian. I never got into Pokemon although Pikachu and Meowth are known to me since those days long ago when Pokemon cards and then Pokemon Go were the big fads.

    2. Hello, Brian. I've also noticed that some of your comments for other articles have been disappearing although my replies to them have remained. But if you are aware of this and you would prefer to delete them, then that's your business and none of mine. I just wanted to let you know.


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