Saturday, December 31, 2022

My Thoughts on Kouhaku 2022 First Half (紅白2022への感想)

I usually watch Kouhaku 紅白歌合戦 on January1st but this year, I’m watching it on New Year Eve at Starbucks as we speak.

First of all, I would like to take back what I said last year, that I’m indifferent about Kouhaku.  I just finished the first half and yet to watch the second half.  But I can already feel the New Year atmosphere, an atmosphere that’s unique to Japan, I think.  In addition, Kouhaku has become my way to explore Japanese music, to listen to what’s new, and to be nostalgic when I hear songs that I’m familiar with.  I sincerely hope that it will continue.

I’m interested in Kouhaku this year mainly because

1) I am holding a tiny tiny hope that Akina 中森明菜 may appear as a surprise.

2) I am interested to see Hashimoto Kanna 橋本環奈 because she’s so cute.

3) I want to watch Anzen Chitai 安全地帯.

Here’re my thoughts after watching the first half.

1) Overall, the boy and girl groups all look like those in Korea.  Make ups, clothes, choreography etc etc.  In contrast, I’m happy to see Hinatazaka 48 and Perfume because they are not copies of Korean boy and girl groups.

2) I didn’t realize till now that Hashimoto is really short (just checked Wiki and she’s listed as 152cm, a bit short of 5 feet), especially when she’s sandwiched between Ooizumi 大泉洋 and Sakurai 櫻井翔.  Her performance is okay so far.  Kawaguchi Haruna 川口春奈 was so impressive last year that it’s hard to surpass.

3) Speaking about “surpassing”, nobody inside that NHK hall can surpass Go Hiromi ごひろみ in youthfulness.  He looks younger each year!

4) I don’t ever want to be in the Kouhaku audience.  Yes, really!  It’s a lot of pressure to be the audience.  You can’t just sit back and enjoy the show because you need to put on your own performance!  Waving the pen light to the rhythm of the song, singing along, “pretending” to be enjoying etc etc.  It’s especially true for the judges and those special guests sitting in the first tow.  You don’t want to be caught on camera looking sleepy or yawning!

5) I found Yoshiki’s The Last Rockstars the most impressive so far.  It’s definitely not my genre of music but they ALL looked so cool.

There’re less than 8 hours to go before 2022 is over here in California.  I’ll be watching the second half after I’m finished with this post.  I’ll likely write up my thoughts on the second half tomorrow.

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. There's always the sort of audience that cheers loudly etc. like the thing's a soccer match, e.g. Eurovision, though I do prefer that sort of audience.

    1. Happy New Year, Jenard. I'm happy that there will always be people to help cheer on performances, but I have to admit that I'm not that type of person. Emotionally, I'm pretty flat though I do snark a lot. I don't think that I would ever be particularly welcome at a Kohaku Utagassen.

  2. Hi, Larry. Happy New Year! Thanks very much for being the first of us to put up an article regarding the Kohaku. I just saw the whole thing about an hour ago with my family. It's too bad that Akina couldn't make it onto the program but it looks like NHK brought back a number of the veterans including Go.

    I'll most likely be putting up my own feelings on No. 73 in the next couple of days but overall I thought it was enjoyable enough for a general kayo kyoku/J-Pop fan like me.

    1. Happy New Year. I just posted my thoughts on second half. Looking forward to hear your thoughts. I am disappointed that Akina didn't appear.

    2. Hi again. I'm going to have to take a look at Part 2 before giving my own remarks. It's too bad that Akina couldn't make it but at least she was able to get her website and company finally off the ground.


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