Saturday, December 24, 2022

The Collectors -- Christmas Song


Well, I managed to get my family's gifts all wrapped up so I'm good to get a bit more blogging before I make the transition from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day.

Along with Original Love's "X'mas NO HI", another track that I found appealing on "Mint Sound's X'mas Album" from 1987 via Scott's "Holly Jolly X'masu" podcast was "Christmas Song" by the rock band The Collectors(ザ・コレクターズ). In addition to hearing it above, you can also listen to it from 10:32 of Scott's podcast and you will also get a description of who The Collectors are. From their J-Wiki article, vocalist and leader Hisashi Kato(加藤ひさし)was influenced by British rock and the Mod subculture and incorporated those elements into his band which was formed in 1986.

"Christmas Song" has some of those jingle bells but there is no supreme flourish of Christmas music production in it which is refreshing. It's just straight ahead jangly rock delivered clearly and forcefully by Kato, and although I and Scott did mention about those influences of British rock and Mod, I couldn't help but also hear a bit of Kiyoshiro Imawano(忌野清志郎)and RC Succession(RCサクセション)in the song.

The Collectors have continued to release singles and albums right up to 2022. In fact, their latest album came out last month, "Juicy Marmalade"(ジューシーマーマレード).

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