Friday, December 30, 2022



With all that's happened in the world this year, and certainly there have been a couple of bumps in the road personally, I don't think the year 2022 will go down as a particularly happy year, although when it comes to the blog, I'm happy to say that we did celebrate our 10th anniversary. And so, maybe that's what we need to hang onto...let's think about the good times as we enter the final day of 2022.

Guitarist Tsuyoshi Kon(今剛)may be onto something then when he sings "THINK ABOUT THE GOOD TIMES", the second track on his first solo album "Studio Cat", released in July 1980. Beginning with a strutting rhythm, Kon comes out with his funky vocals although I can't quite get every word he's singing out there. However, he and his twangy guitar flying over the shimmy-worthy rhythm make it all worthwhile to forget about the worries in the world, even if it's for just four minutes and forty-four seconds. 

I checked out the JASRAC database expecting that it would be Kon taking care of words and music. But then I found out that those were created by H2O! Is it really the same H2O duo that took care of folksy pop tunes such as the graduation-friendly "Omoide ga Ippai"(思い出がいっぱい)? Enquiring minds want to know.


  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR! 新年おめでとう ございます。

    1. A Happy New Year to you, too, Brian. All the best for an improved 2023.


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