Monday, January 23, 2023

Gosanke: Rock Gosanke(ロック御三家)


Well once again my memory failed me since I completely forgot about putting up the weekly Gosanke team onto KKP the past weekend. However, at least I have remembered today.

On January 14th, I put up the Shibuya-kei Gosanke(渋谷系御三家)with some relief in that Takao Tajima(田島貴男)of Original Love has mellowed out about having to cringe at being included within that august trio. However, I have to say that when I opted to put up the rock version tonight, I was scratching my head at the inclusion of wunderkind Shinji Harada(原田真二)as one of the Rock Gosanke. I did see that among his genres listed at J-Wiki, rock was indeed one of them, but the tunes that I've put up onto the blog have all swum in the ocean of City Pop and J-AOR; mind you, the one other genre that was listed for him was pop. Maybe his rock tunes came later in his career and I have yet to cover them.

In any case, while Char started up early in the 1970s, both Harada and Sera(世良公則)debuted in 1977 so I'll use that as the year for Labels, although I'm unsure how the tag of Rock Gosanke came about for these three, although it is listed on that "" page for Gosanke and in the search engine.

Char -- Smoky

Masanori Sera & Twist -- Moero Ii Onna (燃えろいい女)

Shinji Harada -- Shadow Boxer(シャドー・ボクサー)

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