Monday, January 9, 2023

Kaguyahime -- Imouto(妹)


It's taken over a decade on "Kayo Kyoku Plus", but I've finally completed the trio of Yojouhan Folk(四畳半フォーク...4.5-Tatami Folk) songs that was a part of legendary folk band Kaguyahime's(かぐや姫)discography. Singing wistfully about living a poor but good and simple life in Tokyo in that tiny room, the band's 7th single from May 1974, "Imouto" (Little Sister), joins 6th single "Aka Chochin" (赤ちょうちん)and 5th single "Kandagawa" (神田川).

"Imouto", which was created by Kaguyahime members Makoto Kitajo(喜多条忠)and Kousetsu Minami(南こうせつ)under Ichizo Seo's(瀬尾一三)arrangement, is about a man who had been taking care of his beloved little sister in his tiny ramshackle apartment since their parents passed away. However, the sister has grown up and is probably on her way to marry the fellow's best friend, so he's proudly if a bit sadly passing the baton now to his buddy. Kinda gets you right there, doesn't it? 💓

The band's final single before making their first breakup in 1975 and multiple reformations hit No. 16 on Oricon and sold about 600,000 records. A few months later after the release of the single "Imouto" in August, a movie based on the song with the same title was released into theatres starring Kumiko Akiyoshi(秋吉久美子).

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