Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Kaori Tsuchiya -- Fushigi na Gogo(不思議な午後)


Kaori Tsuchiya(つちやかおり)was a 1980s aidoru and a tarento who I've written about twice before. The two songs that I covered also happen to be in different genres: Her debut single from June 1982, "Koi to Namida no Juu-Nana Sai"(恋と涙の17才)is a cover of a Lesley Gore tune "You Don't Own Me" and then her follow-up from later that year in September, "Aishuu no Orient Express"(哀愁のオリエント急行), was more of a technopop piece.

The interesting variety continued via her second album "Kaori Hakusho"(かおり白書...Kaori's Report) which came out in March 1983. One of the tracks is "Fushigi na Gogo" (One Strange Afternoon) which is quite the dynamic track with snazzy horns and a City Pop attitude. It may be no surprise then that Yasuhiro Abe(安部恭弘), one of the crooning princes of the genre, was responsible for the melody. Meanwhile, Hiromi Kanda(神田広美)took care of the lyrics which speak of a young lass at a street corner with a fellow getting all sorts of giddy thoughts just from having her hand held. 

Aidoru + City Pop! What's not to love? An additional bonus is how Tsuchiya bellows out that one part of the title "GOGO!". It not only means afternoon but it also feels like she's trying to put out a "GO! GO!" to prod her young protagonist to bigger and better things, romantically speaking. Encouragement is always helpful.

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