Friday, January 20, 2023

Kumomi: Translations of Tatsuro Yamashita Inteviews


An unusual way to start the usual Urban Contemporary Fridays on "Kayo Kyoku Plus", but I thought letting City Pop and Tatsuro Yamashita(山下達郎)fans know about these interviews here might be something in the public interest. Of course, it's very probable that a lot of you have already come across these.

It was through Rocket Brown that I found out about these interviews that Yamashita had given in 2012 and 2016, and they made for some good reading, since they have been translated into English under the aegis of Henkka at Kumomi, a website specializing in J-E translations of interviews, books and lyrics. Especially with the earlier 2012 interview, readers can get an idea about what makes the singer-songwriter click.

By the way, Rocket and I were thinking of basing some of a future "Come Along Radio" podcast on dissecting the interviews. Meanwhile, you can take a listen to our New Year's test run above.


  1. Looks like you have been very industrious and I have missed more than a few of your new post. I think I have seen you mention Rocket Brown before and I knew of your conversations together but I wasn't aware you two were making podcast! So, this was a nice treat!

    1. Hi, Brian. It's just a pity that today's podcast had YouTube lower the boom on us due to copyright strikes. I'm not sure why then YouTube left the first one alone but under the circumstances, we'll probably need a new platform for any music.

    2. Not, sure if anyone understands how perplexing youtube can be sometimes. But, I am glad I got a chance to listen to at least one of the podcast..


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