Sunday, January 8, 2023

Makiko Imai -- Koi no Harmony(恋のハーモニー)


Yup, there's nothing like watching a compilation of adorable scenes from anime to realize how important a pancreas is. 

I also get the same shimmering feeling when I listen to this song by Makiko Imai(今井麻起子). Titled "Koi no Harmony" (The Harmony of Love), this is a sweet pop duet (almost on Xmas levels) between the tarento/singer and Seishiro Kusunose(楠瀬誠志郎). Shun Taguchi(田口俊)provided the lyrics of falling in love while Juicy Fruits' guitarist Toshihiko Shibaya(柴矢矢俊彦)came up with the basic melody arranged by Masataka Matsutoya(松任谷正隆). Yuming's(ユーミン) husband once said that he was on a synthesizer kick at that time, which would explain a lot of her music in the late 80s going into the 90s, and he has since said that he has some regrets about that. Well, "Koi no Harmony" does have plenty of synthesizers in there but it still has that wonderfully nostalgic buzz due to that.

"Koi no Harmony" was a track on Imai's debut album "Ciao!" from February 1988, and the other two songs by her that have been put up onto KKP, "Belly Roll ~ Kaze no Josoji"(ベリー・ロール -風の助走路-)and "Koi wa Poker Face"(恋はポーカーフェイス)are from that same album. Methinks that I should look farther afield when it comes to her discography, but Imai only had one more album "Candy a Go Go!!" in 1989 before she called it a day for her singing career. Still, it's worth a look-see.


  1. Would love to hear what some of Yuming's(ユーミン) husband's synthesizer regrets were and what he would do differently. However, either way I think Yuming was and still is a success.

    1. Hello, Brian. Yeah, I didn't have any particular qualms against the arrangements of Yuming's song in that time period. I just saw the whole thing as one phase in her illustrious career.

    2. That's true and she has had a long career I guess spanning about 4 or 5 decades now.

    3. Yeah, that's right. She's been celebrating her 50th anniversary this year.


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