Saturday, March 4, 2023

Ninjahead, aka Takkyu Ishino -- Pulseman vs. Sineman


I was doing a lot of my dancing (or attempts at it) during my university days of the 1980s so I missed out on those techno raves of the 1990s. From what I could observe through old footage on YouTube, the dance floor was packed with folks hopping up and down (and probably hopped up, period) while the DJ was spinning his platters and letting the computers play in what amounted to a techno tribal experience. I gather that the dancing was probably a lot easier.

The same goes for techno wizard Takkyu Ishino(石野卓球)of Denki Groove(電気グルーヴ). I've seen his stuff in concert on YouTube as well, and I can only imagine that his magic on stage had everyone going all hypnotic and wonky on the floor. At one point in 1994, he went under the name Ninjahead and came out with "Pulseman vs. Sineman". I don't know whether Ishino was referring to a couple of tokusatsu heroes but the battle must have been extraordinary. By the way, the above video is a truncated version at under 10 minutes!

This one goes for the full 13 and according to the information, "Pulseman vs. Sineman" was a track on a compilation album titled "Tantrance - A Trip To Psychedelic Trance". I knew that Trance music was a thing in the Tokyo clubs at least for a few years while I was there. However, from what I remember of the techno subgenre, I'm not sure whether this particular song would fall under that category. Still, "Pulseman vs. Sineman" is a nice lure to get out onto the dance floor to do one's thing.

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