Monday, March 13, 2023

VIZION -- Gogo no Kokuhaku(午后の告白)


Having listened to some of the tracks on VIZION's one and only album "Psychotic Cube" from 1983, I'm now kinda wondering whether this band which included keyboardist Akihiko Matsumoto(松本晃彦), vocalist Kenjiro Sakiya(崎谷健次郎)and the late bassist Nobuo Ariga(有賀啓雄)were somewhat like Yellow Magic Orchestra but with the synthpop aspect turned way down but not totally off. Discuss.😐

To join the tracks "Dancing Generation" and "Obscure Dance Party", we have here "Gogo no Kokuhaku" (Afternoon Confession) in which the protagonist is really itching to express his love and maybe more to a lady. Written by Rinko Yuuki(有己林子)and composed by Sakiya, instead of the funk with synthesizers for the first two, "Gogo no Kokuhaku" hits me as a bright and happy-go-lucky pop tune with a 50s or maybe even an early Beatles sheen...but still with those synths. It can make for a nice accompaniment to a drive down the highway, especially with that electric guitar solo that pops up near the end.

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