Friday, March 3, 2023

Yoshiko Miyazaki -- Watashi no Kibun wa Sangria(わたしの気分はサングリア)


For a guy who doesn't drink a lot, I think something like a sweet cocktail or a punch is more along my lines, although my outward appearance might trick people initially into thinking that I guzzle beer as if there were no tomorrow. Sangria, for example, is one of my go-tos if offered at a bar or a party during the summer. I had thought that sangria was simply tossing some cut fruit into a jar filled with red wine but it looks like there is slightly more involved according to the above video supplied by QVC Originals. Still, it is easy enough to make.

I've got "Watashi no Kibun wa Sangria" (I Feel Like a Sangria) which was actress/TV personality Yoshiko Miyazaki's(宮崎美子)2nd single from September 1982. This one struck me in a good place but I wondered for a bit whether this would actually go under the uber-genre umbrella of City Pop. The characteristic bass and that certain chord shift friendly to folks like Akira Terao(寺尾聰)and Junichi Inagaki(稲垣潤一)are in there in parts, but ultimately I opted to go with New Music with the Latin. I even thought about categorizing it as a particularly upbeat Fashion Music piece before I changed my mind.

The husband-and-wife team of lyricist Kazumi Yasui(安井かずみ)and composer Kazuhiko Kato(加藤和彦)were behind "Watashi no Kibun wa Sangria" with Akira Inoue(井上鑑)as the arranger. I also have to finish off by saying that Miyazaki is one of the relatively few entertainers who don't have a "Singer" label added to their resume that can actually sing pretty well. I even heard some Hiroko Yakushimaru(薬師丸ひろ子)in her delivery.

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