Friday, March 10, 2023

Yukari Ito -- Climax(クライマックス)


The last time I referred to veteran singer Yukari Ito(伊東ゆかり), it was through one of the Gosanke(御三家)series which dealt with the Spark Sannin Musume(スパーク3人娘)in the early 1960s when she starred alongside Mie Nakao(中尾ミエ)and Mari Sono(園まり). Back then, she was merely in her mid-teens singing that combination of American pop hit covers and original kayo.

Well, by the late 1970s and early 1980s, she was getting into more mature fare which included City Pop. As such, I found this cool number, "Climax", which was the final track of her October 1978 album "Yukari ~ Anata no Tonari ni"(あなたの隣りに...By Your Side). Regarding that album cover, her mother probably scolded her heavily for sitting on that side table and armchair in her high heels but it was all about showing off her sex appeal.

"Climax", which was written by Konosuke Fuji(藤公之介)and composed by Kentaro Haneda(羽田健太郎), is a lovely slow disco jam with a bit of Mancini-esque flair that evokes images of that courtly tryst in big bad Tokyo beginning from a classy bar to a hotel room...with no questions asked. Ito's silken and sexy delivery is perfect here. I guess that it would be an ideal way to finish off an album. Good night now.😎

1 comment:

  1. Sounds a bit like Takako Mamiya on Love Trip. Or as close as any other singers and songs do.

    Her some

    Ah, Takako's only album a good example of "Don't be sad it's over be happy it happened"


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